Crafting dead somerset map download
Crafting dead somerset map download

crafting dead somerset map download

It was later the primary route of pioneers travelling to the Ohio Country.įur trappers and hunters were first to stay in the region. Forbes Road was one of two great western land routes cut through the wilderness to create supply lines from the east. This 200-mile stretch from Carlisle to what is now Pittsburgh was created by Brigadier General John Forbes in the British Expedition of 1758 to capture the French Fort Duquesne. The Forbes Road was cut through Somerset County several years later. George Washington passed through the area of Somerset County on a scouting expedition in late 1753, just before the outbreak of the French and Indian War. No further splits from Somerset County have occurred since 1804. In 1804 the northern half of Somerset County was split off to form Cambria County. Somerset County was split off from the western part of Bedford County on 17 April 1795, and the new county's name was taken from Somerset, England. In 1787 Bedford County was split in half with the northern part becoming Huntingdon County and the southern part remained as a smaller Bedford County.

crafting dead somerset map download

In 1773 part of Bedford County was split off to form Westmoreland County. Bedford County was formed from part from Cumberland in 1771 and is referred to as "Old Bedford County" and contained what are now 20 smaller counties. As population increased, the area was split into smaller counties. Southwestern Pennsylvania began as a huge area called Cumberland County. 1.3 Somerset County in the Modern Day News.

Crafting dead somerset map download